Advertising our website to the community

If you just got here by seeing our sandwich sign, then welcome! We are making an effort to actively advertise our website to our community in order to build the wealth of information for everyone to use.  If you are making changes to your property or need to find a phone number for a service, then this is a great starting point.

A few members have already made great suggestions for content improvements, and we will be working on those actively going forward (like a list of recommended contractors or landscapers for personal use).  If you have an idea, don’t be shy please let the board know and we will do our best to make it happen!

So if this is your first time here, please sign up for our newsletter, and you will get periodic updates from us in your mailbox (1-2 maximum a month, we promise!) Your email will be kept private and not shared with any outside parties (we hate SPAM too!)

Posted in News