We have a new board member joining!

We have not had many updates on our website recently. In part this has been due to some historical events and largely the Pandemic took hold and many of us just focused on family and ourselves. I wanted to address that real quick and get it out of the way — we are trying to do better and as our board grows we can focus on more externally visible changes.

For those that are not aware the Whispering Meadows board is entirely volunteer based, there is no compensation, no discount or benefit other than contributing and helping drive your community around you. On that topic, the board has been bare-bones of 3 individuals, and that has simply reduced our ability to focus on the day to day operation of the community (handling budget concerns, planning improvements, addressing fixes or things that need addressing, and of course following up on reported infractions and/or concerns).

However we are happy to announce that we’ve got a new board member joining us — Welcome Glenn!

As we’ve done in the past with volunteers, we allow board members to interview with the current board, talk about their goals and what they are passionate in helping with. The plan is to formally introduce a vote for the new board member at our (yet to be scheduled) Annual General Meeting (AGM) for 2021.

So stand by for more updates, we are hoping to drive more focus on more communication and social media focus than in the past 1-2 years.

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